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Javascript (Advanced)

Javascript is little bit different with other programming languages that we learned when we first started studying programming and computer science such as C, Java, C++. It’s mainly because Javascript works asynchronously, and in that reason, people made lots of unfamiliar concepts like callback, hoisting, etc. So I decided to study and post about them.
I mainly referred Learning Advanced Javascript.

Test Function (assert)

Example of Usage

assert( true, "I'll pass." ); 
assert( "truey", "So will I." ); 
assert( false, "I'll fail." ); 
assert( null, "So will I." ); 
PASS I`ll pass.
PASS So will I.
FAIL I`ll fail.
FAIL So will I.

Defining Functions

Function Declaration

function isNimble(){ return true; } 

Function Expression

Anonymous Function Expression

var canFly = function(){ return true; }; 

Named Function Expression

var canFly = function iCanFly(){ return true; }; 

Self Invoking Function Expression

(function sayHello() {

Function Hoisting


Hoisting means that, If there is a variable declaration statement in somewhere of the valid scope, it is possible to use the variable anywhere in the same scope.

value = 30;
function hoistingExam() {
    console.log("value=" + value);
    var value = 10;
    console.log("value=" + value);

Function Hoisting

If the function is declared by function declaration, it can be hoisted.

var canFly = function(){ return true; }; 
window.isDeadly = function(){ return true; }; 
assert( isNimble() && canFly() && isDeadly(), "Still works, even though isNimble is moved." ); 
function isNimble(){ return true; }
PASS Still works, even though isNimble is moved.

However, if the function created in function expression way, it is impossible to hoist it.

assert( typeof canFly == "undefined", "canFly doesn't get that benefit." ); 
assert( typeof isDeadly == "undefined", "Nor does isDeadly." ); 
var canFly = function(){ return true; }; 
window.isDeadly = function(){ return true; };
PASS canFly doesn't get that benefit.
PASS Nor does isDeadly.

Below return statement?

How about this case?

function stealthCheck(){ 
    assert( stealth()); 
    return stealth(); 
    function stealth(){ return true; }  // It's under return statement!

The answer is …


Name of The Function

var ninja = function myNinja(){ 
  assert( ninja == myNinja, "This function is named two things - at once!" ); 
assert( typeof myNinja == "undefined", "But myNinja isn't defined outside of the function." ); 
PASS This function is named two things - at once!
PASS But myNinja isn't defined outside of the function.

In the code above, myNinja function has two names because it is a named function expression. You can call that function with the name myNinja in the body of myNinja, but in outside, you can’t.



We can set both a variable and a function as a property.

var katana = { 
  isSharp: true, 
  use: function(){
    this.isSharp = !this.isSharp;
assert( !katana.isSharp, "Verify the value of isSharp has been changed." );

Function Object

Function is also an object. So we can give properties to functions. The code below is an example of giving a cache property to a funciton.

function isPrime( num ) {
    var prime = num != 1; // Everything but 1 can be prime
    if( !arguments.callee.cache ) {
        arguments.callee.cache = {};
        for ( var i = 2; i < num; i++ ) {
            if ( num % i == 0 ) {
                prime = false;
        arguments.callee.cache[num] = prime;
        return prime;
    else {
        return arguments.callee.cache[num];

assert( isPrime(5), "Make sure the function works, 5 is prime." );
assert( isPrime.cache[5], "Is the answer cached?" );
PASS Make sure the function works, 5 is prime.
PASS Is the answer cached?


A context contains all members and methods of an object.


A context can be referred by this keyword. It’s just same with that of Java.


You can call a method of an object with a context that you want to use by call method.

function add(a, b){ 
  return a + b; 
assert( add.call(this, 1, 2) == 3, ".call() takes individual arguments" ); 
PASS .call() takes individual arguments


It’s similar with call method. It takes parameters in array form.

function add(a, b){ 
  return a + b; 
apply( add.call(this, [1, 2]) == 3, ".apply() takes an array of arguments" ); 
PASS .apply() takes an array of arguments


new keyword creates an object. In Javascript, everything is regarded as an object, so if you omit new keyword by mistake, a catastrophe might be occurred.

function User(first, last){ 
  this.name = first + " " + last; 

window.name = "Resig"; 
var user = User("John", name); 

assert( name == "John Resig", "The name variable is accidentally overridden." );
PASS The name variable is accidentally overridden.

The result seems same with our intention, but the code allocated “John Resig” to window.name. So if you use window.name later, you can see the value is unintentionally changed.

So, is there any precautions to avoid this problem except of always paying attention not to omit new? The answer is no. You can avoid risks by inserting a code that checks whether the context is same with arguments.callee or not every time you define objects.

function User(first, last){
  if ( !(this instanceof arguments.callee) )
    return new User(first, last);

  this.name = first + " " + last;

var name = "Resig";
var user = User("John", name);

assert( user, "This was defined correctly, even if it was by mistake." );
assert( name == "Resig", "The right name was maintained." );
PASS This was defined correctly, even if it was by mistake.
PASS The right name was maintained.

Calling Anonymous Functions by Object Property


var ninja = { 
  yell: function(n){ 
    return n > 0 ? ninja.yell(n-1) + "a" : "hiy"; 
assert( ninja.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "A single object isn't too bad, either." );
PASS A single object isn't too bad, either.

Problem And Solution

If the original object is removed, the code doesn’t run like below.

var ninja = { 
  yell: function(n){ 
    return n > 0 ? ninja.yell(n-1) + "a" : "hiy"; 
assert( ninja.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "A single object isn't too bad, either." ); 

var samurai = { yell: ninja.yell }; 
var ninja = null; 

try { 
} catch(e){ 
  assert( false, "Uh, this isn't good! Where'd ninja.yell go?" ); 
PASS A single object isn't too bad, either.
FAIL Uh, this isn't good! Where'd ninja.yell go?

There are two solutions. First one is to simply name the anonymous function.

var ninja = { 
  yell: function yell(n){ 
    return n > 0 ? yell(n-1) + "a" : "hiy"; 
assert( ninja.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "Works as we would expect it to!" ); 

var samurai = { yell: ninja.yell }; 
var ninja = {}; 
assert( samurai.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "The method correctly calls itself." );
PASS Works as we would expect it to!
PASS The method correctly calls itself.

Second one is to use argument.callee() for the function to call itself except of the function name.

var ninja = { 
  yell: function(n){ 
    return n > 0 ? arguments.callee(n-1) + "a" : "hiy"; 
assert( ninja.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "arguments.callee is the function itself." );
PASS arguments.callee is the function itself.


You can define a function that accepts unspecified number of arguments with the keyword arguments.

function smallest(){ 
  return Math.min.apply( Math/* It doesn't have to be Math */, arguments );
function largest(){ 
  return Math.max.apply( this/* It can be any context you want */, arguments ); 
assert(smallest(0, 1, 2, 3) == 0, "Locate the smallest value."); 
assert(largest(0, 1, 2, 3) == 3, "Locate the largest value.");
PASS Locate the smallest value.
PASS Locate the largest value.



Inner functions can access member variables and parameters of the outer function. Scope chains that follow this rule are called closures.

var num = 10; 
function addNum(myNum){ 
  return num + myNum; 
num = 15; 

assert( addNum(5) == 15, "Add two numbers together, one from a closure." );
FAIL Add two numbers together, one from a closure.

addNum adds two variables and num is from a closure. num is originally set as 10, but before addNum is called, the value of it is changed to 15. So the result of addNum(5) would be 20, not 15.

Additional Rule

A closure doesn’t disappear even after the outer function returns.

function celebrityName(firstName) {
    var nameIntro = "This celebrity is ";
    function lastName(theLastName) {
        return nameIntro + firstName + " " + theLastName;
    return lastName;
var mjName = celebrityName("Michael");
assert(mjName("Jackson") == "This celebrity is Michael Jackson", "Function lastName had been saved into a variable mjName and was called after celebrityName returned.");
PASS Function lastName had been saved into a variable mjName and was called after celebrityName returned.


var a = 5; 
function runMe(a){ 
 assert( a == ___, "Check the value of a." ); 

 function innerRun(){ 
   assert( b == ___, "Check the value of b." ); 
   assert( c == ___, "Check the value of c." ); 

 var b = 7; 
 var c = 8; 

for ( var d = 0; d < 3; d++ ) { 
   assert( d == ___, "Check the value of d." ); 
 }, 100); 


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Kotlin + NDK, OpenCV

원래 이 블로그는 영어로만 작성하려고 했었으나, 코틀린 프로젝트에서 OpenCV를 사용하는 방법에 대해 정리한 한글 블로그가 거의 없어서 이 참에 블로그 방문자 유입도 좀 늘릴 겸하여 이번 포스트는 한글로 작성하려고 한다. 절대 영어로 쓰기 귀찮아서 한글로 쓰는 게 아니다. 내가 좀 쫄보여서 그런지는 몰라도 간단한 테스트도 iterative하게 진행하는 게 마음이 편하다. 그래서 1. Kotlin 2. Java + NDK(C++) 3. Kotlin + NDK(C++) 4. Java + NDK(C++) + JNI + OpenCV 5. Kotlin + NDK(C++) + JNI + OpenCV 순으로 프로젝트를 생성하여 한 단계씩 통과시켜가며 넘어갈 생각이다. 그런데 결론부터 말하자면, OpenCV에서 Kotlin을 지원하지 않는 것으로 보인다. OpenCV의 라이브러리 폴더(OpenCV-android-sdk\sdk\native\libs\mips64)를 열어보면 libopencv_java3.so 파일은 찾을 수 있지만 libopencv_kotlin 비슷한 이름을 가진 파일은 없다. Kotlin에서 C++을 돌려봤다는 사실 정도에 만족하고 넘어가도록 하자… ㅠㅠ 환경 다음의 환경에서 진행한다. * Android Studio 2.3 * OpenCV 3.3.0 Kotlin Project 생성 먼저 안드로이드 스튜디오에서 간단한 hello world 자바코드를 생성하여 코틀린코드로 변환해보자. 그냥 처음부터 코틀린으로 만들면 되지 왜 굳이 자바코드를 변환하고 앉아있느냐 할 수도 있는데 안드로이드 스튜디오 2.3에서는 그런 기능을 제공하지 않는다. ㅠㅠ 3.0부터는 아예 코틀린이 안드로이드 스튜디오에 빌트인으로 제공되면서 처음부터 코틀린 프로젝트를 만들 수 있게 된다 카더라. 프로젝트 생성 그냥 자바 기반 안드로이드 프로젝트를 만들면 된다. 어플리케이션명을 적당히 정해주자. Company Domain은 소속된 회사이...

The reason why I selected Google Blogger

In SW Maestro, 3 mentors for our team are fixed, and we got our first official mentoring from mentor 배권한. He gave us an assignment - make a personal blog and post an article about co-working tools. He insisted we run a blog for 4 reasons. We forget what we have studied someday We can realize something new when we think about it again Somebody like a headhunter may contact me through my blog To make my activities visible So, I decided to make a post about pros and cons of famous blog services. Criteria of Selection I consider these factors. Main Factors It should 'work' well. It should be easy to parse my posts from the blog. It should be easy to write code on my blog. It must take responsive design, so that it can be seen with mobile device. It must be easy to be exposed by Google search. It must provide reply function. Sub Factors It is good if the design is fine. It is good if the markdown function is...

Cooperation Tools That Support Scrum Development Process

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